The fact is that most of the clear old photos you see today are actually restored digitally and passed through photo processing job to look as enhanced and clear as you see.
Aging can ruin the material of photos which gets weak by time causing the paper of the photo to be torn and easy to be cut, especially old photos which is colored mostly have been colorized.
All that gets done using photo editing software such as Photoshop which is the main and most used software for Old Photo Restoration.
1. Photoshop to Restore Old Photos

Away from the other types of photo retouching that any retoucher can do using Photoshop, Digital Photo Restoration needs an experienced retouching artist who has been in the photo editing career for a long time to make the old photos look fixed and professional.
Especially when it comes to colorizing old photos which needs a skilled eye to make sure that photos look alive and vibrant.
Repairing and Restoring Old Photos with Photoshop is one of the most time-consuming to a retoucher, as an old photo usually has many scratches "Tiny Scratches" that needs to be cleaned and removed.
A retoucher spends an average of 45 minutes at least up to long hours removing scratches one after another, zooming in and out in detail just as an archaeologist trying to save as much as the details in a photo.
While sometimes an old photo may have accidents causing a big damage percentage as some parts of the photo may not exist anymore which obligates the retoucher to find replacement parts from other photos to complete the missing parts of the picture or even parts of the people in the picture such as an arm, shoulders, or even the face.

Photoshop does not really do a magic job, it just gives the retoucher the tools he needs to edit a photo, but nothing is done automatically though, it's a job made by hand piece by piece to restore the material and the look that the photo had in the past.
Though there might be some filters and plugins that may help a retoucher to make the retouching job more flexible and automatic only with stuff such as Noise removal, and decreasing the harshness of scratches, still it doesn't completely remove, but only helps a little.
2. Photo Restoration Services

Here at Photorelive, We have been in the Photo Retouching and Restoration career for over a decade, providing a variety of retouching and old Photo Restoration Service for clients and photographers.
For an affordable price, you can get your photos restored and fixed from any type of damage, repairing photos to look appealing and printable for gifts, or keeping the good memories for the dear and loved ones.
Using Photoshop and other software we make the digital photo restoration job through professional artists and retouchers who are experienced with long years of practicing on different levels of photo restoration and cases of completely damaged photos.
Whether the photo has cracks, scratches, cuts, or faded colors it all can be restored and fixed using our professional Photo Restoration Service.
Simply, create an account and make an order for your old photos, in 24 hours you will have your photos restored professionally.
3. Colorizing Black and White Photos

For Black and White old photos, colorizing is a special type of art that consists of re-creating the colors of each object and part of the old black and white photo similar as the real color it could have had in the past.
A retoucher would make a selection on Photoshop on each part of the photo such as the T-shirt, arms of the person, face, the background, completely selecting all the parts, and colorizing each part alone.
It needs a real talent to guess and be able to imagine the true colors that the object had, while things like grass, trees, the color of the skin can be assumed much easier.

The photo editing artist will apply a mix of colors and contrast levels to reach the desired color, and the point here is for the colors to look as natural as it can be, which makes the final results look as if it was never colored or restored.
Of course, not to mention, that an old photo cannot be colorized without the photo restoration process first, and noise removal for a clean and professional job that can give good prints later.
4. Restoring Photo Colors

The chemical interactions with the sensitive material of photographs through the time can change the colors of a picture which makes it look old, though it didn't look that old at the time it was printed.
A Photograph will look faded after some time of printing usually a few years. That is for the normal cases if a photo was left for long without converting it digitally.
However, some photos haven't had good colors any way by the time they were taken, for a reason or another, could have been the shutter speed, or the ISO, and many other reasons can cause the photo colors to be faded or less color-saturated, or much bright.

Also, the old printing methods used in the past from a Negative may have included an error that made the colors look different than what it was supposed to be, the light may have interfered with the Negative slide is also a reason for old photos to have different colors. And high levels of brightness.
To restore and correct the colors of an old photo you need to hire a professional artist to fix and restore your photos, usually the automated applications can't do much when it comes to fixing harsh brightness or faded colors on old photos.
An expert can do the job professionally restoring your photos, Photorelive is a professional photo retouching company that you can count on regarding that matter.
An old photo to be restored may mean a lot to some people who are hoping to keep a beautiful glance from the past of frozen moments, giving your lovers and close ones a restored photo can be a unique way of a gift to share with family and friends and sharing the love from the memories of the past.